Zhejiang University is a public research university in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. It is affiliated with the Ministry of Education. The university is part of the C9 League, Double First-Class Construction, Project 985, and Project 211.
Established: as a university in 1928
Other name: ZJU or Zheda
Former name: Chekiang University (1902–1903) · Chekiang Higher Institutes (1903–1914) · National Third Chungshan University (1927–1928) · Chekiang University (1928) · National Chekiang University (1928–1950) · Chekiang University (1950 – mid-1980s)
Motto: 求是创新
Motto in English: Seeking Truth and Pursuing Innovation
Academic affiliations: C9, APRU, IAU, GUNi, YDUA, BRICS Universities League