Our undergraduate program in materials engineering prepares you for advanced study in the field. Continue your education at Michigan Tech by pursuing MS and/or PhD degree programs in materials science ...
The standard entry requirement for this course is a UK 2.2 Honours degree or overseas equivalent in Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering ... unlocking new and exciting fields and translating ...
Courses for Bioengineering Option Advanced Materials Option — Courses for Advanced ... Graduates effectively bridge engineering and non-engineering fields through a commitment to lifelong professional ...
You’ll have the opportunity to study metals and alloys; ceramics; electronic, magnetic, and optical materials; and polymers ... and be prepared for advanced study in your chosen field, as demonstrated ...
A new study published in Engineering explores the significance of mixing intensification in advanced materials manufacturing.
The bachelor's degree in materials science and engineering teaches students to understand and apply advanced science and engineering principles ... Students majoring in other engineering disciplines ...
Professor Chris Wolverton was honored as an MRS Fellow for pioneering contributions to computational materials science and ...
and petroleum engineering. Materials science is a multidisciplinary field involving collaborations across many traditional academic programs and the MSE program provides a rich, collaborative research ...
Materials science and engineering is an interdisciplinary field that forms the foundation for many engineering applications by extending the current supply of materials, improving existing materials, ...
Materials engineering involves the development, production, modification, and application of engineering materials to meet the specific needs of society. It is based on an understanding of the ...
Materials science and engineering at CU Boulder is at the forefront of research advancements across fields including biotechnology and medicine, sustainability, renewable energy, polymers, ...