Abandoned Mansion, we didn't know much about this house and over heard about it and the found it and just had to explore it, it really was beautiful so much beautiful stuff left behind, as we started ...
The world is full of abandoned ... extraordinary mansion features a number of floors, and despite the structure deteriorating, you can clearly still see the beauty of the building.
Exploring this beautiful mansion hidden by the nature fully overgrown history on this mansion is a lady was an antique dealer building her wealth with a love from a man overseas when I love passed ...
But why not throw something else into the mix by visiting some eerie yet fascinating abandoned castles ... Built in the 1920s, this beautiful Tudor Gothic Revival building was a hospital for ...
are often displayed on the buildings’ facades. “The courtyard houses, built in rows or sequence, exhibit rhythm with diversity,” said Ahmedabad-based conservation architect, Ashish Trambadia ...
YouTuber AdamMarkExplores who uncovers haunted and abandoned places paid the mansion a visit late last ... “It is absolutely beautiful and pretty scary to be honest.” The YouTuber uncovered ...
The Late Capital O2 CEO, Dr. John Daniel Otoo's abandoned mansion has surfaced on social media, garnering massive attraction from many social media users.