After buying and selling Hermès bags for a decade, Alexis Clarbour knows how to tell a real bag from a fake purse.
The French luxury brand is a candidate for the Haute Couture Week calendar. More than two-thirds of its business is already in apparel.
Hermès' success strategy involves embracing scarcity, maintaining quality, and resisting the mass-market approach in the ...
Despite a reliable reputation, Japan’s secondhand luxury market is still vulnerable to fakes and counterfeits.
Don’t bother bringing a handful of quarters to an arcade in Queens that has become popular with adults looking to score luxury goods – like Hèrmes bags and Chanel wallets. Gatcha – a 9,000 ...
Handbags are not just fashion accessories, they are investments. In recent years, the resale market for luxury bags has surged, with certain styles and brands maintaining or even increasing their ...