These strange, sudden canopy gaps, called bais, are located only in the rainforests of the Congo Basin of west-central Africa ... producing models and maps of bais across the vast landscape ...
For decades, the Congo Basin was largely invisible to climate science. Now, a new generation of Central African researchers ...
Public boats, with ample sleeping quarters, plied the Congo until the ... square-mile river basin’s immense hydroelectric and agricultural potential, all of Africa could be beholden to it ...
Spanning six countries in central Africa, the Congo Basin is the largest tropical rainforest on the continent and serves as the world’s most significant carbon sink. The basin absorbs an ...
Their maps show southern Cameroon ... Kamath noted that similar changes to rainfall in West Africa could accelerate incursions into the heart of the Congo Basin. “Climate change is expected ...
McGinn, Kathleen L., Anne Starks Acosta, Deborah M. Kolb, and Cailin B. Hammer. "Congo River Basin Project: Role for Dr. Campos." Harvard Business School Exercise 909 ...