Find out about the journal aims and scope. npj Energy Materials is a fully open access journal. More on Creative Commons Attribution licenses and the benefits of publishing open access can be ...
Energy Advances features cutting-edge chemical science at the forefront of energy technology with particular focus on emerging materials and methods ... would expect from a Royal Society of Chemistry ...
Energy Journals With the rising cost of oil and the need for reduced green house gas emissions, alternative energy and more efficient practices are being called for. These often require materials ...
Our new Gold Open Access journal Energy Advances focuses on energy science, and in particular the interdisciplinarity required for exciting breakthroughs in the field. Energy Advances welcomes ...
POSTECH, Samsung SDI, Northwestern University, and Chung-Ang University improved the battery durability and energy density ...
The Solid State and Materials Research Group has come up with a lithium-ion capacitor using electrodes produced from wood ...
MXenes combine the rare combination of metallic conductivity and hydrophilicity with two-dimensional morphology, which make them distinctly different from other classes of energy storage materials ...
C3N4 photocatalysts offers new insights into efficient hydrogen production, supporting the shift to renewable energy.
Japanese researchers have made a groundbreaking development in fuel cell technology with huge potential for cleaner energy.