The Liberian government has approved funding for the transportation of advanced military equipment, a US$20 million donation fully funded by the African Union (AU) to strengthen the country's national ...
The map below shows the location of Liberia and Monrovia. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between ...
the appellation "Monrovia." That city is the capital of the West African nation of Liberia, which has been left, after 10 years of brutal civil war, with a barely functioning government.
- Liberia's Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, says the recent appointment of his predecessor, Boima S. Kamara, as Director General of the West African Monetary ...
Sister Aid Liberia, with support from the African Population Health and Research Center (APHRC), takes a significant step here in enhancing capacity of journalists in Liberia. Liberian journalists are ...
Despite the fact that the past two post-war governments failed to establish a war and economic crimes court as key suspects ...
Current local time in Monrovia (Africa/Monrovia timezone). Get information about the Africa/Monrovia time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) ...
The Chattanooga-based folk musician moved to the U.S. from his home country Liberia in the '90s during the country's civil war. Over the past year, his Afro-Appalachian tunes have captivated a wide ...
A key agenda item for this year’s conference will be the proposal for Regionalization, which aims to empower African churches ...