The most common method used to study protein structures is X-ray crystallography ... of the thousands of atoms within the protein crystal. How Do Proteins Arrive at Their Final Shapes?
Now, Tokyo Tech researchers have addressed this issue with a novel pipeline that enables a rapid crystal structure analysis of IDPs via a cell-free protein crystallization technique. Many people ...
his algorithms can even advise researchers which bits of a protein to truncate to boost chances of getting a crystal structure. He is making plans to undertake a similar project for membrane ...
To determine the three-dimensional structure of small proteins such as transthyretin, researchers often turn to crystallography, in which proteins are forced into a large, repetitive crystal ...
Breathing, eating, sleeping, running to Taco Bell in the middle of the night – none of these activities would be possible ...
Sundaralingam. After her thesis research on crystal structures of protein synthesis inhibitors, Smith pursued a growing interest in protein structure by joining Wayne Hendrickson at the Naval Research ...
Unlike their well-known, folded counterparts, intrinsically disordered proteins lack a single, stable three-dimensional structure. Instead, like Proteus, they take on many different conformations. 1 ...
Because it only takes nanoseconds to microseconds for a protein to morph along its path to its final structure, the scientists needed to slow down the process during their analysis to be able to catch ...