The composites company has been recognized for its supplier excellence, backed by consistent quality, on-time delivery and ...
Composites are prone to damage by low velocity impacts that can cause hard to detect, barely visible impact damage (BVID).
But what if the frame of the car could hold energy? “Due to their multifunctionality, structural battery composites are often referred to as ‘massless energy storage’ and have the potential ...
Cabin Composites Pose Challenges, Opportunities For Aftermarket is part of our Aviation Week & Space Technology - Inside MRO and AWIN subscriptions. Subscribe now to read this content, plus receive ...
Advanced fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites for structural applications offers an overview of different advanced FRP composites and the use of these materials in a variety of application areas.
A newly published study in Engineering reveals a novel approach to the performance assessment of reinforced concrete (RC) ...
Global composites manufacturer Exel Composites has secured an extension to a design patent in Finland for its antenna radomes ...