For the next generation of aircraft, at least in Europe, this preponderance of prepreg is already changing. The advance is on multiple fronts, including resin transfer molding (RTM), thermoplastic ...
Daher and its Dutch subsidiary KVE are exhibiting at JEC World 2025, the leading international composites show, which is ...
The assembly and certification of thermoplastic parts without fasteners are one of the main R&D focuses for Daher Group, ...
Currently, a growing number of thermoplastic composite parts and assemblies can be found in state-of-the-art aircraft. Examples include multi-ribs concepts in many aircraft programmes and welded fixed ...
The goal of Large Passenger Aircraft is to demonstrate both best-in-class high ... Prior to the final demonstrator, a "test shell" was produced to successfully validate all the thermoplastic composite ...
Published in Composites Communications, the study brings hope for an environmentally sounder—and economically viable—production of construction parts, car, aircraft, and marine vessel ...
CW Tech Days are virtual events dedicated to the topics impacting the composites industry today. Access past event recordings and register for upcoming Tech Days.
The expertise, and the significant funding behind CSS, which uses novel thermoplastic composite techniques ... carapaces of ...
tapes and thermoplastic prepreg are skillfully designed innovative composite materials, offered in a comprehensive variety of fiber/resin blends, complying with the stringent specifications of large ...