Sixty-seven people died in the crash near D.C ... A few minutes before the twin-engine jet was to land, air traffic controllers asked if it could use a shorter runway. The pilots agreed, and ...
A shocking scene unfolded at Toronto's airport when a plane was found flipped upside down on the runway after landing. All ...
The collision was the deadliest plane crash in the U.S. since 2001 ... A few minutes before the twin-engine jet was to land, ...
A passenger jet made a hard landing before it lost a wing, burst into flames and flipped onto its roof at Toronto’s airport, the fourth major aviation accident in North America in the past three ...
TORONTO (AP) — Investigators will consider the weather conditions, as well as the possibility of human error or an aircraft ...
He would not say what is on the tower tape except ... when a twin-engine plane carrying members of the Iowa State University women’s cross-country team crashed in a residential Des Moines ...
Officials said early Thursday that everyone on board both aircraft is believed dead, which would make it the deadliest U.S. air crash in nearly ... CRJ-701 twin-engine plane and UH-60 Black ...
Many questions remain about why a landing at Toronto's Pearson Airport went so wrong as a plane carrying 80 people flipped ...
The plane carried 60 passengers and ... The Canadian-made Bombardier CRJ-700 twin-engine jet, manufactured in 2004, can be configured to carry up to 70 passengers. A few minutes before the crash, air ...
A pilot aboard the twin-jet Embraer ERJ 175 reportedly told the tower that the plane had to ... Memories of Skaters Killed in D.C. Plane Crash: 'My Heart Aches' (Exclusive) Republic Airways ...