The actor — in an Instagram video shared by his wife, Emma Heming Willis, on Thursday — is seen shaking hands and posing for photos with Los Angeles police officers working during the fires, which have killed at least 27 people and destroyed over 12,000 structures in the area.
In an Instagram post shared by his wife Emma Heming Willis on Thursday, Willis can be seen shaking hands with a Los Angeles police officer.
Willis was diagnosed first with aphasia -- a condition where the brain's ability to understand or express language is impaired, according to the National Institutes of Health -- in 2022 before receiving an additional diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia in 2023, according to his family.
Amid the devastating wildfires in Southern California, Bruce Willis took time to thank first responders. The actor’s wife, Emma Heming Willis, posted a
Bruce Willis' family announced he would step away from acting in 2022; the actor was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) in 2023