After wildfires burn through forests, there are often efforts to re-plant trees in affected areas. But new research offers ...
More than half a million acres in southwest Montana have been impacted by conifer expansion. It used to be that fires would ...
Down inside the Red River Gorge, a few trail workers provided a look at the hard work and effort it takes to build a new path ...
Scientists have studied trees depicted in various works of art and found they follow relatively simple mathematical rules also found in branching patterns in nature.
When I see trees being tortured by horrible tree staking, it upsets me. I hate the practice of leaving tree stakes, ties and ...
Retired teacher Larry Weber, of Barnum, is the author of “Butterflies of the North Woods" and “Spiders of the North Woods," ...
One-half mile from the Palm Tree Festival, we were forced to don ear protection. My constituents, the wildlife at the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies, cannot vote on this matter.
A recent study underscores how humanity’s success in extinguishing fires has allowed dead wood and other flammable material ...
The Compost Facility at the Muscatine Transfer Station will open for the season at 9 a.m. on March 22, weather permitting, at the facility on South Houser Street.
The best way to experience the White Mountains’ Presidential Range is hiking between the Appalachian Mountain Club’s eight historic high-mountain huts. Connecting distances aren’t ridiculous—the ...
It’s almost spring, and it’s time to start thinking about gardening season! Consider these tips to help you prepare. Included are links from the Gardeners Almanac.