The strategy update will take place at BP’s head office in London, with Mr Auchincloss expected to start speaking at 1pm. James Alexander, chief executive of the UK Sustainable Investment and ...
Indian billionaire industrialist Gautam Adani paid £4mn to sponsor the green energy wing of London’s Science Museum ... UK Cabinet Office documents reveal for the first time the amount paid ...
Meanwhile, London-based BP PLC (NYSE: BP) has a 22.69% interest ... it will use the proceeds from the transaction for general corporate purposes. “Combined with previously announced dispositions ...
The stock soared 15% in London on the back of the news ... Traders will be focused on a strategy reset at BP (BP.L) later, with the oil giant due to begin a capital markets presentation at 1pm.
Those discussions are taking place alongside speeches from rightwing leaders such as Kevin Roberts, the head of the Heritage ... at the ExCel Centre in London for ARC’s 2025 conference. The ...
BP said it would increase its oil and gas investments to about $10 billion a year as it pivots away from its low-carbon strategy.
British energy giant BP is set Wednesday to announce ... it differently with much lower emissions". The head of the French giant spoke Tuesday at International Energy Week, an annual gathering in ...
LONDON, Feb 14 (Reuters Breakingviews) - BP (BP.L), opens new tab has a laundry list of problems. The $93 billion UK oil major has a confused strategy, an overleveraged balance sheet, and a ...
BP's strategy overhaul sees it investing ... "you need to produce it differently with much lower emissions". The head of the French giant was speaking Tuesday at International Energy Week, an annual ...