Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle say Texas laws need to be updated to target a proliferation of AI-generated child ...
House Bill 2183 would expand on what is considered child pornography to include visual content that’s digitally altered to look like a specific child.
The Texas Legislature is working on several bills that could introduce more protections against AI-generated explicit images ...
Molly Kelly was stunned to discover in June that someone she knew had used widely available “nudification” technology to ...
Possession of non-consensual intimate images (NCII) should be made a criminal offence, putting it on the same footing as ...
Seabrook police officer John Giarrusso, who allegedly called himself 'Officer Sexy' online, is accused of explicit ...
A Texas lawmaker says a campaign featuring ads for sex toys rolling through Dallas and other cities is part of a troubling ...
A new report quantifies emissions linked to war actions, the reconstruction of damaged infrastructure and forest fires during the three years of conflict ...
The House of Representatives has approved legislation that expands the state’s 2018 “revenge porn” law to include images ...
On Tuesday, the Senate Education and Youth Committee approved Senate Bill ... "harmful materials." The Code makes it illegal to give a minor any book, movie, etc. if it contains images or ...
Lawmakers say AI-generated photos often are realistic enough that they could fool people, and in the wrong hands, they could be dangerous.
A Kentucky teen took his own life on Feb. 28, and now officials are investigating whether it was connected to a sextortion ...