If you want an alternative to Civilization 7 right now, fellow 4X game Humankind just completely changed how war and ...
Civilization VII was released this week on Steam and all major gaming consoles, but the biggest news was that it’s also ...
If you want to build an empire that stands the test of time, these Civilization 7 leaders are the best people for the job.
Someone once played a single game of Civilization 2 for a decade and the result was a ruined earth and endless war in 3991 AD ...
One of the biggest new features in Civilization 7 is the Age system. This splits the game up into three distinct eras: the ...
The biggest new feature in Civilization VII is the Age mechanic. It splits the game into three separate acts across major ...
A radical tweak makes Civilization more realistic—and more depressing.
The Civilization 7 Steam player count has dropped below that of its nine-year-old predecessor Civ 6, as Firaxis vows to fix the 4X game.
There’s always something you wish you had known earlier in Civilization 7, be it a sneaky way to boost your economy or a ...
Following the full release of Civilization 7, players have some notes for a few much-needed quality of life improvements.
The turn-based strategy game has two Ph.D. historians on the design team and a palpable appreciation of cultures across the ...
If you're a Game Pass subscriber and are looking to play Civ 7, we take a look at whether the new strategy game comes to the service.