For the last 12 years a company called Bureo has been working with local fisherman to remove dangerous nets from the ocean.
Authorities determined the body belonged to a woman in her 60s who had numerous cancerous tumors, the DA's office said.
Authorities said a body found in a fishing vessel's nets last week was that of a woman in her 60s who appeared to have been ...
The body of a woman was caught in the nets of a fishing boat off the coast of Massachusetts last week, and officials now ...
A body pulled in by the nets of a fishing vessel Thursday, about 40 miles off the Massachusetts coast, was identified as a woman in her 60s who had cancer, officials said Monday. The body had been ...
No foul play is suspected in the case of the “wrapped” deceased body which was pulled from the ocean by a fishing crew off ...
The Suffolk County district attorney's office said Sunday that a fishing vessel pulled in a body in its nets 40 miles off the ...
A human body caught in fishing nets 40 miles off the Massachusetts coast last week had been embalmed and appeared consistent with a burial at sea, authorities said Monday. The state’s Office of ...
The body of a woman was caught in the nets of a fishing boat off the coast of Massachusetts last week, and officials now believe she was buried at sea. The fishing vessel caught the wrapped body ...
A body hauled in by the nets of a fishing boat off the coast of Massachusetts last week was likely a burial at sea and not criminal, according to the Suffolk County district attorney's office.