Bucureștiul continuă să-și consolideze statutul de centru economic dominant în Europa de Est, atingând un nou prag important ...
Ucraina și Statele Unite conveniseră asupra unui acord privind exploatarea resurselor minerale ucrainene sub masca păcii în ...
„Ne amintim de scandalul, din urmă cu vreo 3 ani, când organizatorii, EBU, pur și simplu au furat punctele acordate de ...
În timp ce Comisia Europeană a anunțat marți un plan de 800 de miliarde de euro pentru înzestrare militară, România nu poate ...
Acest eveniment va poziționa Belgradul ferm pe harta globală, atrăgând atenția internațională ... Evenimentul va servi, de asemenea, ca o platformă pentru Serbia de a-și prezenta viziunea pentru ...
Demonstrators observe 15 minutes of silence in the memory of the victims of the fatal November 2024 Novi Sad railway station roof collapse, during a protest in Kragujevac, Serbia [Marko Djurica ...
BELGRADE, March 7 (Reuters) - The Kremlin supports Serbia's authorities as they face growing anti-government protests, President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday following a phone call with Russian ...
Serbia’s parliament descended into chaos on Tuesday as opposition lawmakers threw smoke grenades and tear gas inside the chamber to protest against the government and support demonstrating students.
Students gather in Kragujevac from across country Protesters accuse government of corruption, demand justice Vucic says protests are trying to destroy Serbia KRAGUJEVAC, Serbia, Feb 15 (Reuters ...
The student movement in Serbia makes decisions by direct democracy and debates matters for hours on end, yet everything runs like clockwork. What drives the students? What are their goals?
The TV mini-series gave an inside look at the teams from the United States, France, Serbia and Canada across six episodes. One video clip that is making the rounds on social media is Nikola Jokic ...
Serbia’s striking students and supporters of populist President Aleksandar Vucic were holding parallel rallies Saturday as both marked the country's Statehood Day with notably contrasting ...