Conventional dip pens typically had to be reloaded with ink by the end of each sentence. The fountain pen was invented in 1880 by an insurance salesman named Louis Edson Waterman. Before the ...
It’s a debate as old as time and has had the world’s finest intellectuals at war for years – what is better to write with, fountain pens or ballpoint pens? Okay, maybe it’s not that ...
There are several retractable fountain pens out there ... glass pen for my anniversary this year. It’s a dip pen, but the spiral ink feeder holds more ink than you’d think.
Signing an important document or contract? Scribbling in your next dairy entry? Or brainstorming novel ideas? Put pen to paper with a writing instrument to match the occasion. Using a fountain pen ...
You can also see the pen and ink used by George Mortimer and Lillian West. November 1st is Fountain Pen Day. There will be a ...
It’s a debate as old as time and has had the world’s finest intellectuals at war for years – what is better to write with, fountain pens or ballpoint pens? Okay, maybe it’s not that ...