In today's fast-paced world, workers and advanced machinery are teaming up to deliver exceptional results across industries.
Tractor clutch fingers are crucial components in farming machinery, and their manufacturing requires precision and skill.
Everett firefighters rescued a worker whose arm was trapped in the gears of a baler machine Tuesday. Around 6:10 p.m., firefighters were dispatched to a technical rescue call at the Goodwill Outlet on ...
Riverside firefighters had to disassemble a bailing machine at a manufacturing plant to free a worker whose arm became trapped inside, authorities said Friday. The injury occurred at about 9 p.m.
Two green bulldozers smoothly spread a mixture of pebble and cement at the construction site of a mountainous dam, followed by four vibratory rollers that compacted the fresh layer into place.
Defective machinery in the workplace poses a constant risk of injury to workers. If a worker is injured due to such a defect, they have the right to pursue a third-party claim for compensation.