In selecting such alloys for use in light-strong structures the composition must be chosen to balance these properties to the needs of the design. Although the demands of a front fork on a bicycle ...
The Fluids, Structures and Materials (FSM) Focus Area is divided into two tracks: (1) Fluids, and (2) Structures and Materials. For the FSM Focus Area only, the general MS requirement to take a core ...
Optical materials and structures are substances used to manipulate the flow of light. This can include reflecting, absorbing, focusing or splitting an optical beam. The efficiency of a specific ...
The central aim of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures is to promote the dissemination of significant developments and publish state-of-the-art reviews and technical discussions of ...
An aircraft or hydrofoil wing behaves as a cantilever beam from a structural viewpoint. Structures of this sort have a "flexural center" associated with them. If they are loaded at the flexural center ...