For decades, the Congo Basin was largely invisible to climate science. Now, a new generation of Central African researchers ...
The team behind Little Amal will present its latest work as part of Low Kee Hong’s inaugural Manchester International ...
Islamic State-linked rebels attacked a village in conflict-battered eastern Congo killing at least nine villagers, a local ...
All around the world, women play key roles in Greenpeace campaigns to prevent coal, oil and gas extraction. We’re ...
DODOMA: IN a major step towards sustainable water resource management, the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) has officially ...
The temporary closure by Alphamin of a large tin mine in the DRC has seen tin prices jump to eight-month highs of US$34,815 a ...
Since November 2023 the partnership between Atos and WWF has focused on developing digital tools to support conservationists in protecting wildlife, monitoring biodiversity, and preventing the spread ...
New Orleans was turned upside down by Covid. Last year, however, confirmed a postpandemic renaissance and a tourism boom—a return for New Orleans as a prime destination location. The city had record ...
After Surviving a Brutal Attack in the Congo, Dunia Sibomana-Rodriguez Found a New Life, a Loving Family, and a Path to ...
Agnès Kayijire is the eldest woman serving in the Rwanda Elders Advisory Forum (REAF), a group of well-regarded people who provide counsel to the head of state on national matters. Out of the forum’s ...
The Luapula River runs in south-central Africa forming a boundary between the southern DRC and northern Zambia for about 560 ...