TPI Composites Inc. (Scottsdale, Ariz., U.S.) has reported Q4 and full-year 2024 financial results. Highlights for the last three months ending Dec. 31, 2024, include net sales of $346.5 million ...
Composites Expert (Givry, Burgundy, France) highlights updates and new developments to its E-Learning Composites Academy platform, which supports flexible industry learning. This includes the launch ...
The district says that buses are preheated early each day to provide warmth for the students and staff. The heaters in the schools are scheduled to ensure each room reaches the desired temperature ...
India’s insurance companies have agreed on a simple yet comprehensive and customer-friendly model for Bima Vistaar, the composite cover mooted by the Insurance Regulatory and Development ...
There has never been such a demand for composite specialists, and with advanced composites now a national strategic priority area for research, this is a truly exciting area to be working in. Our four ...