The game’s central idea is playing under pressure. Cue David Bowie.
Canadian Game Awards founder Carl-Edwin Michel discusses how the event has evolved, host Naomi Kyle, and what fans can expect from the big night.
And while there are some clear throughlines in each of Obsidian’s projects that show how they’ve evolved or iterated on their own ideas and interests, there’s also an essential secret to the studio’s ...
Lyndsay Pearson has led The Sims franchise as the creative franchise vice president at Maxis. But her legacy at the studio, ...
Fallout 3 is considered to be one of the most legendary RPG games, and its success wouldn't have been possible without a ...
Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed. Find your next game ...