Transit Operator and Worker Appreciation Day is marked internationally every March 18. The first-ever transit service happened on that day in France. Back then – more than 350 years ago – it was by ...
This challenging 9-hole public golf course is located on the banks of the Red River in the heart of Winnipeg. Golfers of all skill levels will be challenged as this layout includes par threes, fours ...
Nous avons commencé un examen de bout en bout du processus de revue des demandes d’aménagement à la Ville. L’examen devrait donner lieu à des recommandations et à des améliorations procédurales qui ...
We have launched an “end-to-end” review of the development review process at the City. The review is expected to result in recommendations and procedural improvements that will make the development ...
Nous savons que le recyclage peut porter à confusion. Les règles changent sans arrêt, et il est difficile de savoir quoi faire pour bien recycler. Il peut être difficile de se rappeler toutes les ...
Les résidents peuvent faire recycler les articles admis en utilisant le service résidentiel de vidange des chariots en bordure de rue ou le service de vidange des bacs de la Ville de Winnipeg, ou en ...
Residents can recycle accepted items through the City of Winnipeg’s residential curbside cart or bin collection service, at a community recycling depot or a 4R Winnipeg Depot. After your recyclables ...
We know recycling can be confusing. The rules keep changing and it’s hard to know how to be a good recycler. It can be hard to remember all the rules, but we have a few videos to help you be a better ...
Information contained in our media releases may relate to issues of violence or trauma, which could be distressing for some individuals. Be mindful of your well-being and consider whether or not ...
Information contained in our media releases may relate to issues of violence or trauma, which could be distressing for some individuals. Be mindful of your well-being and consider whether or not ...
La présente page n’a pas été traduite. Veuillez consulter la version anglaise ci-dessous. Information contained in our media releases may relate to issues of violence or trauma, which could be ...
Winnipeg, MB – At 1:15 a.m. on Friday, March 14, 2025, the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service responded to reports of a fire in a multi-family home in the 300 block of Alfred Avenue. At the scene, crews ...