For Morocco’s Jews, the festival of Purim, beginning March 13, has contemporary resonance, illustrating the tenuous existence ...
NJT will open its 27th season with the classic musical Cabaret, r Check out photos from the production, directed by NJT's ...
A Haredi Jew, dressed in a black hat and coat with long payot, dangles a diamond necklace in front of his strikingly bulbous ...
O n March 9, 1950, Iraq’s Chamber of Deputies and Senate approved the “Supplement to Ordinance Cancelling Iraqi Nationality” law. It stipulated that Jews could leave the country, on condition they ...
This spring, the Snead State Theatre Department will be performing William Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice” as part of the Spring Theatre Tour.
Elio's bitterly divorced parents were among those who lingered notwithstanding the hostile political climate.  His mother was ...
These anti-British forces formed a pro-German government, winning the support of the Iraqi Army and administration. They had hoped that an Axis victory in the war would facilitate independence for Ira ...
Scholastic Publishers has now produced a series of books written by Joshua M. Greene telling the story of young girls and ...
Beth Meyer Synagogue started with a handful of small merchants’ families operating out of a tailor’s house on Fayetteville Street.
It has found its way into the ideological bloodstream of groups that claim to champion Christian renewal, including Christian ...