Profitability Target: Expected to achieve profitability in Q4 2025. Zai Lab Ltd (NASDAQ:ZLAB) reported a 50% year-over-year revenue growth for 2024, with a 66% increase in the fourth quarter alone.
Ba zamu iya bayyana abin da yake ko inda yake ba,” in ji Mullan. Ya kara da cewa, “Fãën Ende taku masu kallon Cynthia Erivo za su samu abin da zai ba da dadi kuma cikin farin ciki, wanda zai nuna ...
Warriors, waɗanda suka lashe kofuna huɗu cikin shekaru takwas daga 2015 zuwa 2022, suna fatan Butler zai taimaka musu su sake samun nasara. A halin yanzu suna matsayi na 11 a yammacin taro da rikodin ...
For seven decades, the organization has been protecting refugees globally. As there are now more than 80 million forcibly displaced in the world, we reflect on the past, present, and future of the ...