The Supreme Court judges are afraid of including Rabbinical judges in the committee to select a judicial complaints commissioner.
"He already committed a criminal act against our children. His next enlightened speech should come before a real commission of inquiry.
The IDF explained that, as part of his work for Hezbollah, Shaheen was given the responsibility to carry out terrorist transactions for the purchase of weapons for the terrorist organization and to ...
On Thursday, Harun Nasser al-Din, the head of Hamas’s Jerusalem Office, who is currently abroad, declared that there must be “full confrontation against the occupation’s incursions, an uprising ...
For too long, the Lebanese people were denied a governing body that could unite the country and rebuild institutions,” said the U.S. State Department.
Metropolitan Jerusalem would incorporate Area E1, thus eliminating forever the prospects of a contiguous Palestinian State.
Rav Yehoshua M’Kutna, one of the Gedolei Yisrael in the 19th Century, offers an answer in his ישועות מלכו. It says in Masechet Chagigah (טו) when talking about Tzadikim and Reshaim, that the Tzadik ...
Established by the Jewish Agency in 2002, JPPI became fully independent by 2013. The survey explored Jewish American perspectives on President Trump’s proposal to facilitate the relocation of Gaza ...
Prayers in the Land of Israel have a special value in that they bring about Unification in the Upper Worlds. So writes the Holy Shelah: ...
These anti-British forces formed a pro-German government, winning the support of the Iraqi Army and administration. They had hoped that an Axis victory in the war would facilitate independence for Ira ...
Here we come to this week’s Parsha. The famous Ramban (Teruma 25:1) explains the secret of the Mishkan (Tabernacle): “וסוד המשכן הוא, שיהיה הכבוד אשר שכן על הר סיני שוכן עליו בנסתר.” “The secret of ...
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (trauma therapy), IFS level 3 practitioner, reflexologist, and bereavement counselor.