Sometimes, love looks like butterfly wings. As the culture of Gerig’s second floor — known more affectionately as “Twooge” — ...
Kevin Trees has observed Taylor University’s history of community for over two decades. Trees is a custodian in Samuel Morris ...
Opportunities to lead are sprinkled throughout our lives, from line leaders to CEOs. Yet, while society often acknowledges ...
At 8:49 on a Sunday evening, resentment is not a difficult emotion to conjure.
Three panelists gathered to offer insight about vocation and civic engagement on Feb. 26. The speakers shared stories about their personal lives, their work and how faith integrated into their daily ...
Sometimes, all it takes is an email to make things happen. “(This chapel) was completely Austin,” said Reverend Gregory Dyson ...
Smiling big, stomping feet and clapping hands to the beat. Taylor University is filled with praise to the Lord as the gospel ...
What began as a small group of Korean students seeking a local worship community has grown into a thriving congregation that ...
Taking blood pressure, learning how to interact with patients and make beds with people in them are some of the things being taught in the Taylor’s School of Nursing’s first semester. Any challenges ...
An increasing trend on social media over the past several years is the online rise of WAGs, or wives and girlfriends, of professional athletes.
At Taylor’s first game against IU East, rescheduled for February 25, softball head coach Doug Gower said the Trojans will have an opportunity to test their skills and hone their defense.
With the end of the indoor season approaching the finish line, the Taylor men’s track and field team looks to make a lasting impression at the championships.