Ana Brnabić - Wikipedia
Ana Brnabić (Serbian Cyrillic: Ана Брнабић, pronounced [âna bř̩nabitɕ]; born 28 September 1975) is a Serbian politician serving as president of the National Assembly of Serbia since 2024. A member of the Serbian Progressive Party, she previously served as prime minister of Serbia from 2017 to 2024.
Ана Брнабић — Википедија
Брнабић и њена прва влада су 29. јуна 2017. изгласани већином од 157 од 250 посланика Народне скупштине. Изабрана је као нестраначка политичарка, док је 2019. приступила владајућој Српској напредној странци (СНС), а потом је …
Brnabic: A female leader who is unlikely to change history
Mar 12, 2021 · Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic told DW's Conflict Zone that the 1995 massacre in Srebrenica was "not genocide." She also said Serbia was not ready to join the EU before 2025.
Serbia's PM Ana Brnabic says she is willing to resign amid …
Jun 7, 2023 · Serbia's Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday she was willing to resign to test popularity of the ruling coalition, following weeks of opposition protests.
Ana Brnabić - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ana Brnabić (pronounced [âna bř̩nabit͜ɕ]; born 28 September 1975) is a Serbian politician. She has been the President of the National Assembly of Serbia since 2024. She was the Prime Minister of Serbia from 2017 to 2024.
Ana Brnabić elected as new Speaker of Parliament - SERBIA ELECTS
Mar 20, 2024 · BELGRADE – Ana Brnabić, Prime Minister of Serbia from 2017 to 2024, was elected today as the new President of the National Assembly of Serbia (Speaker of Parliament). She was elected after a three-day session filled with tensions and polarising rhetoric.
Ana Brnabić — Википедија
Ana Brnabić (Beograd, 28. septembar 1975) srpska je političarka. Od 2024. obavlja funkciju predsednice Narodne skupštine Srbije . Članica je Srpske napredne stranke (SNS).
Prime Minister Ana Brnabić took office in 2017 as the first woman and LGBTQ person in Serbia to hold this position. Brnabić was born in Belgrade, Serbia in 1975 and obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the Northwood University of Michigan, the United States in 1998, and master's degree in marketing from Hull University ...
Skupština Srbije izabrala je danas potpredsednicu Srpske napredne stranke i dosadašnju predsednicu Vlade Srbije Anu Brnabić za predsednika Narodne Skupštine Republike Srbije. Za Anu Brnabić je, od prisutnih 158 poslanika, glasalo 153, a protiv je bilo pet poslanika.
Profil: Ana Brnabić - KRIK
Od 2011. godine radi u firmi „Continental Wind Serbia“, a u januaru 2013. postaje direktorka ove kompanije. Bila je i potpredsednica Upravnog odbora Nacionalne alijanse za lokalni ekonomski razvoj (NALED) od 2013. godine, da bi u aprilu 2016. postala predsednica upravnog odbora.